Users, groups and permissions

All users of this application belong to one or more groups. This is used for determining which user has permission to read or edit a resource. Currently, the following groups are defined:

Name of groupExplanation
guestGroup for visitors that are not logged in
tls-userAll users are member of this group. Most resources can be read, but only few changed.
tls-editorThis group has far more rights to change resources or create new ones.
tls-adminRights to perform administrative tasks that require access to all resources

Access rights to resources

Separate rights exist to read, write or execute a resource. The latter is relevant for scripts but also folders, where the right to execute means the read to open it and list its contents.

With slight simplification, it can be said that for every resource, each of these rights is defined for the owner of the resource, the group to which this resource has been assigned and for everybody else.

Different views of the database

What this all boils down to is that the way a resource is displayed differs considerably for different user groups. The screenshots used to explain the workings of the database in this manual usually assume a user in the group tls-user and shows what would be available to such a user, except, of course where specific tasks for editors are explained.